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HRADEC KRALOVE region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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HRADEC KRALOVE region holiday Czech republic

Krajské město: Hradec Králové
Rozloha: 4 758 km2
Počet obyvatel: 547 903
Nejvyšší bod: Sněžka (1 602 m)
Hradec Kralove region is higher territorial self-governing unit of the Czech Republic and is situated on the north-eastern Bohemia. In the south, adjacent to the Pardubice region in the southwest of the CENTRAL BOHEMIAE region and west of Liberec region. In the north, adjacent to the Polish Dolnoslezským Voivodeship (Lower Silesia Voivodship).
Extensive plains chalk boards Elbe contrasts strongly with the highest mountains of Bohemia, Giant and their "little brother" Orlické mountains. The area is laced with rivers and rivers Elbe river basin, which are heavily carbonated spring water from the mountain blankets, which represent about one billion liters annually. Precisely in such places, we meet the ideal conditions for the use of land for agricultural purposes.


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