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LIBEREC region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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LIBEREC region holiday Czech republic

Hrady: Bezděz, Grabštejn, Houska, Lipý, Valdštejn
Zámky: Doksy, Frýdlant, Hrubá Skála, Hrubý Rohozec, Jilemnice, Lemberk, Liberec, Nový Berštejn, Sloup in Czech republic, Sychrov, Zahrádky, Zákupy,
Zříceniny: Bradlec, Děvín, Hamrštejn, Sloup in Czech republic, Hřídelík, Kumburk, Návarov, Návarov, Roimund, Ronov, Rotštejn, Starý Berštejn, Stohánek, Svojkov, Štěpanice, Trosky, Vítkovec, Vranov, Frýdštejn, Jestřebí, Ralsko, Svojkov
LIBEREC region lies to the north of Bohemia. Prague is the second smallest region in the Czech Republic. LIBEREC region as higher territorial self-governing unit was created in 2000. Seat and largest city of the region is Liberec. Its area (3163 km2) occupies about 4% of the Czech Republic. The number of permanent residents reached number 428 291
The region borders with Olomouc region in the east, CENTRAL BOHEMIAE region in the south, Ústí nad LABEMm region in the west German federal state of Saxony (Sachsen) in the northwest and Dolnoslezským Voivodeship (Lower Silesia Voivodship) in Poland to the northeast.
LIBEREC region has considerable natural resources, since a substantial part of it is covered by forest and its topography is very rugged. Numerous conservation of natural parts are protected in several large and innumerable small protected areas.


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