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MORAVIAN-SILESIAN region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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MORAVIAN-SILESIAN region holiday Czech republic

Vodní toky:
většinu území regione odvodňuje řeka Odra a její přítoky (např. Opava, Ostravice, Olše) do Baltského moře. Pouze z části Nízkého Jeseníku kolem Rýmařova a drobných území okresu Nový Jičín odtékají vody do povodí řeky Moravy, tedy do Černého moře.
MORAVIAN-Silesian region (until May 2001 Ostrava region) is one of 14 higher territorial self-government units in the country. It lies on the northern Moravia and part of Silesia. In the south, bordering the Zlín region in the west of the Olomouc region, to the north Polish Opole voivodeships (Województwo opolskie) and the Silesian (śląskie Voivodship), in the southeast region of Žilina (Žilina self-governing region) in the Slovak Republic.
Although the region is primarily associated with industrial Ostrava region is in it as valuable natural areas that are protected within 3 regioninných protected areas: Beskydy (an area of ??1,160 square kilometers, including part of the largest PLA Zlín in the Czech Republic), Mountains and Odra. In addition, there are 131 small protected areas.


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