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PILSEN region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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PILSEN region ČR

PILSEN region holiday Czech republic

Vodstvo: většinu území regione odvodňuje Berounka, která vzniká v Plzni soutokem Radbuzy, Mže, Úhlavy a Úslavy. Část Klatovska a Sušicko odvodňuje Otava. Obě povodí náleží k úmoří Severního moře. Na území regione je řada jezer – ledovcová Černé jezero, Čertovo jezero, Prášilské jezero, Laka a hrazené Odlezelské jezero
PILSEN region lies in the southwest of Bohemia. In the northwest region bordering Karlsbad, in the north section of the brief common border with Ústí nad LABEMm region in the northeast bordering CENTRAL BOHEMIAE region in the southeast with SOUTH Bohemian region. The longest stretch of common border with the German federal state of Bavaria (Bayern) in the southwest.     
A substantial part of the region by Plzeň hills, is located in the northeast of Pilsen Basin and the Central Bohemia region here extend Brdy. A maximum range of border mountains and Czech Forest of Šumava. The Sumava is the highest point in the region United Mokrůvky (1,370 m), although not the highest mountain in the Bohemian Forest.


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