dovolená v Čechách dovolená ČR Česká republika Holiday Czech republic accommodation

VYSOCINA accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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VYSOCINA holiday Czech republic

Krajské město: Jihlava
Rozloha: 6 795 km2
Počet obyvatel: 511 645
Hustota zalidnění: 75 obyvatel/km2
Nejvyšší bod: Javořice (837 m. n. m.)
Vysocina (the original name of the Jihlava region) lies on the border of Bohemia and Moravia. In the north, adjacent to the Pardubice region in the southeast with SOUTH Moravian region in the southwest of the Bohemian Region SOUTH and CENTRAL Bohemiae the northwest region. In the south, almost approaching the border of Austria, but does not reach her. It is one of three inland regions in the country. VYSOCINA and Prague are the only two self-governing regions in the Czech Republic, which are not in the name of the constitutional law, the word "county".
According to some sources, is the geographic center of Europe in the Highlands region near the top of Melechov the West Brod District near Stvořidel on the river Sázava.


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