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USTI nad LABEM region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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USTI nad LABEM region ČR

USTI nad LABEM region holiday Czech republic

Krajské město: Ústí nad Labem
Rozloha: 5 335 km2
Počet obyvatel: 843 462
Hustota zalidnění: 158 obyvatel/km2
Nejvyšší bod: Macecha (1 113 m)
Ústí nad Labem region lies on the northwestern Bohemia. On the eastern flank LIBEREC region to the southeast CENTRAL BOHEMIA region , the south has a very short stretch of common border with PILSEN region in the southwest bordering KARLSBAD region. The longest stretch of common border with the German federal state of Saxony ( Sachsen ) in the northwest.
The border with Germany are largely ridge of the Ore Mountains, which continue into the Karlovy Vary region. The highest mountain in the mountains , 1244 meters high Klínovec , lies on the border between the two regions . On the northern border zone passes in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains with unique towering cliffs , gorges and towers up to 400 m above sea level in inland stands volcanic Czech Central Mountains with the highest peak Milešovkou . A place where u Hřenska Labe leaves Czech territory, while the lowest point of the Republic (115 m ) . Most of the territory of the region drained by the Elbe River , the major tributaries in the region are Eger and Ploucnice . Most protected areas National park Czech Switzerland , covering part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains . The region also regioninné other protected areas, natural parks and small protected areas .


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